Introducing Netta, my 5 year old niece and the co-creator of this collection. Netta's artistic journey commenced with circles, not due to a particular affinity for the shape, but because it was the form she could adeptly draw. In delving into the psychology of a child's mind, I recognized this inclination as a common behavior—a choice to implement something that instills confidence. The canvas became a playground for countless circles, each varying in size and style. Embracing this concept, I employed a simple overlapping circles algorithm initially, which brought satisfaction to Netta. However, as a programmer, I couldn't settle for simplicity. The innate desire to continually challenge myself and elevate the creative process led me to confront the intersection problem. Determining the most effective method for detecting intersections and, for each intersecting segment, introducing a distinct color or pattern became my focus. To say it wasn't a technical struggle would be an understatement, particularly considering the intricate level of chaos I aspired to create.
After successfully addressing the basic intersection detection challenge, I resolved to take it a step further. If I could detect intersections involving circles, why not extend that capability to include quads, blobs, and essentially every layer present on the canvas? This aspiration drove me to broaden the scope of my intersection detection algorithm, aiming to encompass a diverse array of shapes and structures within the creative realm.
For approximately six months, my focus was solely on perfecting the algorithm rather than emphasizing the main idea. It dawned on me that, regardless of the coding effort invested, a project devoid of meaningful substance would leave me unsatisfied. Reflecting on this realization, I turned to my niece, choosing to observe her natural creativity. Printing the initial non-overlapping circles on an A4 page, I encouraged her to unleash her imagination. What followed was delightful chaos—she adorned the circles with an array of colors, scribbled lines with varying stroke weights, and crafted shapes I couldn't identify. Her artwork became a canvas for pouring out emotions—anger, love, stress, and happiness. As I observed, I recognized it as a genuine expression of Netta, a five-year-old who cared little about the complexity of the algorithm. It was authentic, and precisely what I had been missing.
The colors within the collection are thoughtfully chosen by both Netta and me, representing various emotions and stages of a child's development. Our journey commenced with Netta's preference for using only primary colors, reflecting her early years. As she progressed and transformed into a little girl, her love for rainbow colors emerged. Interestingly, when she desires to embody a more mature persona, she opts for the simplicity of black. Each color palette is complemented by different backgrounds—ranging from light and gray to dark and yellow. At times, the decision of what looks best eludes us, prompting the choice to embrace both options. Why settle for one when the amalgamation of different backgrounds adds a unique and dynamic dimension to the collection? Palette names hold significant meaning for me, whereas for you, they may simply be numbers. There will come a day when I choose to unveil the true significance behind each one.
- Palette: 1295 | 1365 | 1357 | 1320 | 1400 | 1410 | 1215 | 1600 | 1567 | 1407 | 1803 | 1802
- Background Color: 1295 | 1365 | 1357 | 1320 | 1400 | 1410 | 1215 | 1600 | 1567 | 1407 | 1803 | 1802
- Pattern Coverage: MINIMAL | MODERATE | RICH | HEAVY
- Borderless Layer: YES | NO
- Out of Bounds: YES | NO
- Sharp Edge Mode: YES | NO
- Blob Scale: TINY | SMALL | MEDIUM | BIG
- Created: 2024-2025
- Medium: Digital
- Size: 9:16
- Library: p5.js